This time, we’re going to talk about New Luxury Car Tax Canada. There is a lot of information about luxury car tax canada reddit on the internet, of course. Social media are getting better and better quickly, which makes it easier for us to learn new things.
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75 Reference List: New Luxury Car Tax Canada | luxury car tax canada reddit
- Brand new leased vehicles are subject to the luxury vehicle tax. Pre-owned leased vehicles that have previously been registered in Canada are not subject to the luxury tax, even if they are valued above the price threshold of $100,000. The tax becomes payable by the vendor once the lessee has the right to use the vehicle and must be paid upfront in its entirety. This contrasts with GST/HST, which is payable upon each intermittent lease payment. - Source: Internet
- For example, if you purchase a $100,000 car with a federal 10% luxury tax, you would be required to pay an additional $10,000 in luxury car tax. In addition, you would also have to pay GST or HST on the total cost of the car including the luxury car tax. Depending on your province, this could add an additional $13,000 or more in taxes! So, all in all, you could be looking at paying upwards of $23,000 in taxes on a $100,000 car. - Source: Internet
- As per section 18(2) of the act, with some exceptions, vendors of vehicles priced above $100,000 are responsible for paying the luxury tax when such a vehicle is sold. The luxury tax is calculated on the total price of the vehicle sold. Vendors must exercise caution when calculating the luxury vehicle tax as they will be the ones to bear the tax burden if the numbers are miscalculated. - Source: Internet
- In order to make sure any purchases of luxury vehicles for resale can be purchased LT exempt, the registration process should be started as soon as possible. You can access the registration application at: - Source: Internet
- Dealers who have questions about the luxury tax are encouraged to contact the Government of Canada at 1-866-330-3304 or seek advice through their accountants, legal counsel or member organizations (e.g., UCDA, TADA etc.). - Source: Internet
- under certain conditions, such as where it is a taxable benefit to the employee, or where it qualifies as a remote work site or construction work camp. Amounts paid for up to 6 special events a year at which the meals or entertainment are generally available to all employees at that place of business. This covers office parties open to all staff. - Source: Internet
- The luxury tax in Canada is a tax on goods and services that are considered to be non-essential or, simply put, luxurious. This is a new tax requirement which came into effect on September 1, 2022. The purpose of the tax is to offset the cost of government programs and services by taxing those who can afford to pay more. The luxury tax applies to a wide range of items, including cars, boats, jewelry, and electronics. - Source: Internet
- The tax will be 20% of the excess over the $100,000 or $250,000 threshold, but with a maximum of 10% of the value of the car, boat or aircraft. It will apply to both sales and importations. Exports will not be subject to the tax. - Source: Internet
- Certain persons are required to register with the Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) as registered vendors under the Select Luxury Items Tax Act . Such persons include manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and importers of subject vehicles, subject aircraft or subject vessels that are within the scope of the luxury tax regime and that are priced above the relevant price thresholds. For more information, refer to the Registration framework section of this memorandum. - Source: Internet
- The CBSA may re-determine or further re-determine the origin, tariff classification or value for duty on its own initiative or in response to an adjustment request. In so doing, as with customs duties and taxes, the CBSA may assess any undeclared amount of luxury tax. - Source: Internet
- Under section 50 of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act, there are certain circumstances where a person is required to register with the CRA under the luxury tax regime. If required to register, a person must register as a registered vendor of the type of subject item that they import. Accordingly, there are three types of registrations available: - Source: Internet
- At Lexus of Kingston, we strive to provide our customers with an in-depth understanding of the automotive market. That includes everything from vehicle reviews and maintenance tips to more information on taxes and fees. On September 1st, 2022, Canada’s proposed luxury goods tax went into effect, primarily targeting luxury vehicles and automobiles, private planes, and yachts. Here’s what you need to know about this new policy and how it affects you as an owner of a luxury vehicle like a Lexus. - Source: Internet
- For the purposes of calculating the taxable amount of a subject item at importation, the applicable GST/HST and provincial sales tax to the subject item to the subject item are not to be taken into account. In addition, any deduction for a trade-in or down payment does not reduce the taxable amount of a subject item for the purposes of determining the applicable luxury tax. - Source: Internet
- Note: While included in the casual goods examples for clarity sake, it is not necessary to calculate using both methods. If the taxable amount is less than twice the price threshold, just calculating Method A is sufficient. If the taxable amount is more than twice the price threshold amount, just calculating Method B is sufficient. If the taxable amount is exactly twice the price threshold amount, either method will return the same result. - Source: Internet
- If you are purchasing a vehicle, make sure you review the bill of sale before signing to be sure all information is accurate and complete. If the luxury tax applies to the vehicle you are buying it should be on the bill of sale. According to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website, the tax is calculated on the retail value “…as the lesser of: - Source: Internet
- Improvements, such as car modifications, made within the first year of purchase may be subject to the luxury tax as per sections 29 to 32 of the act. Improvements are only subject to the luxury tax when the purchased vehicle was originally subject to the luxury tax (vehicles over $100,000), or, if the improvements bring the value of a vehicle over $100,000 within the first year after purchase. Car modifications will be subject to the luxury tax when they cost more than or equal to $5,000. In the event that a purchaser makes improvements to their vehicle that are subject to the luxury tax, they will be required to self-assess a luxury tax liability and pay taxes on the day following the improvement period. Costs associated with vehicle safety, maintenance, repair, replacement of damaged parts, or accessibility modifications are exempt from the luxury tax. - Source: Internet
- Article content But that same note predicts the tax could impact future sales of those goods over the same period, costing the economy about $2.8 billion and hitting Canada’s COVID-crippled aviation industry. First introduced in last year’s budget, the government’s 2022 budget bill C-19 contains legislation imposing a sliding-scale levy on new luxury cars and aircraft over $100,000, and new boats or yachts with price tags exceeding $250,000. - Source: Internet
- A vehicle, aircraft or vessel falls within the scope of the luxury tax regime if it meets the definition of a subject vehicle, subject aircraft or a subject vessel, as set out in subsection 2(1) of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act . Such vehicles, aircraft and vessels are broadly referred to as subject items. Vehicles, aircraft or vessels that do not meet these definitions are not subject to the luxury tax. For more information, refer to the Subject items section of this memorandum. - Source: Internet
- Many brands are beginning to introduce electric vehicles to the market. Although some are more affordable than others, many electric vehicles come at a steep cost. There are no exceptions under the act exempting electric vehicles from the luxury vehicle tax. Electric cars priced above $100,000 will be subject to the newly imposed tax. - Source: Internet
- Kingston Dodge can help provide you with the right vehicle to fit your needs, and ensure that you don’t pay any more than you have to for your brand-new Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, or Ram vehicle. We have plenty of options that fall under the $100,000 threshold so you can avoid this inconvenient tax. Additionally, we can help you avoid the tax altogether by leasing your new vehicle rather than financing, as vehicle leasing does not fall under this tax. Connect with us today to learn more about your vehicle buying options and financing plans to get the most out of your money, speak to an advisor to get started. - Source: Internet
- Method A (luxury tax amount at 10% of taxable amount) A $101,295.50 X B 10% = $10,129.55 - Source: Internet
- Section 21 of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act provides exceptions where the luxury tax is not payable on importation of subject items. Such exceptions are: - Source: Internet
- Method B (luxury tax amount at 20% of taxable amount above $100,000) (C $101,295.50—D $100,000) X E 20% = $259.10 C—D = $1,295.50 - Source: Internet
- When accounting for subject vehicles, aircraft or vessels, the importer should complete the B3, using the same method as it would normally. This includes correctly determining the proper classification number and calculating the regular duties and taxes on the same B3 line. If provincial taxes are applicable, this will also be calculated on a separate line, as per the normal procedures outlined in Memorandum D17-1-22, Accounting for the Harmonized Sales Tax, Provincial Sales Tax, Provincial Tobacco Tax and Alcohol Markup/Fee on Casual Importations in the Courier and Commercial Streams. - Source: Internet
- Simply put, vehicles affected by this Luxury Goods Tax are models sold for above $100,000 CAD or equivalent. Passenger vehicles, with a date of manufacture after 2018 are the vehicles included in this tax. This can include everything from sports cars, luxury SUVs, and heavy-duty pickup trucks. Additionally, this tax will also apply to “written sales agreements” from Jan. 1, 2022 onwards in a retroactive measure, so deals made throughout this year will also be subject to the Luxury Goods Tax. - Source: Internet
- The new legislation was first proposed by the federal government in Budget 2021: A Recovery Plan For Jobs, Growth, And Resilience. Chapter 10 of the 2021 Budget, tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021, discusses the government’s responsibility to keep the tax system fair, ensuring that “everyone pays their fair share of tax.” Section 10.1 of the 2021 Budget describes, inter alia, the taxation of luxury vehicles. - Source: Internet
- If a new Lexus falls below the stated threshold price of $100,000, it will be exempt from the new Luxury Tax. This is exciting as it makes owning a luxury Lexus possible and more affordable than ever! Some luxury Lexus vehicles, such as the 2022 Lexus LC, 2022 Lexus LS, and the LC Convertible, may be subject to the Canadian luxury tax. Reach out to us for more details on our Lexus vehicles and their prices and for assistance on how to choose the best Lexus vehicle for you! - Source: Internet
- The purpose of the luxury tax is to generate revenue for the government. While also discouraging Canadians from spending unnecessarily on high-priced items. While the tax affects only a small portion of the population, it can nonetheless have a significant impact on government revenue. According to the Canadian government, the new luxury tax will generate $779 million in revenue over the next five years. - Source: Internet
- Critics of the tax say it will unfairly target wealthy individuals and businesses, and it will make it more difficult for people to afford luxuries. In addition, it may cause certain industries to suffer in Canada due to less expenditure on those items. Supporters of the tax say that it is fair and necessary to help fund government programs and services. Given the tax was just implemented, it’s too early to know what the overall impact will be in reality. - Source: Internet
- Importations may be subject to examination at the time of importation and to post-release verification for compliance with the Origin, Tariff Classification, Value for duty, and Marking programs, and any other applicable programs or provisions administered by the CBSA . If non-compliance is encountered by the CBSA , in addition to assessments of any applicable duties and taxes, penalties may be imposed and interest will be assessed, where applicable. - Source: Internet
- For example, if you are purchasing a vehicle with a taxable amount of $120,000, the luxury tax will be calculated as the lesser of 10% of $120,000, which is equal to $12,000, and 20% of $20,000.00, which is equal to $4,000. So, the luxury tax on a vehicle sold for $120,000 would be $4,000. - Source: Internet
- To use this calculator, enter your car purchase price, the loan term in either months or years, and the interest rate. You can optionally include a down payment and trade-in value which will be subtracted from the loan amount. If you have an outstanding car loan on the car being traded in, you will need to enter the remaining loan balance of that loan. Finally, select the province that the car will be purchased in. This will use the car sales tax rate that applies in that province. - Source: Internet
- The Luxury Tax applies to new vehicles with a ’total price’ of $100,000 or more. Total price includes charges and fees but does not include the applicable GST/HST or provincial sales tax. So the luxury tax is applied on the total before GST/HST are added. - Source: Internet
- T. Evans Electric (2002) — a corporation used its plane to take clients on fly-in fishing trips. The Court allowed full GST input tax credits for the plane operating costs, since “entertainment” does not include transportation: “Flying in a noisy little Cessna to get to the fishing may be enjoyable to some, but likely not to most. The fishing starts when you get to the lake.” - Source: Internet
- Car Loan Payment Formula How do you calculate car loan payments? To calculate your monthly car loan payment, you will need to know the loan amount, interest rate, and term of the loan. The loan amount is the amount of money that you are looking to borrow. This would be the car’s purchase price plus any taxes and fees, minus any down payment that you wish to make and the trade-in value of your current car, if any. The car loan payment formula is: Where: r = Monthly Interest Rate - Source: Internet
- Additionally, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has general anti-avoidance rules (GAAR). These rules can challenge any transaction or arrangement designed primarily to avoid taxes. This rule is very broad, and can be applied in a number of different circumstances. As a result, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to successfully avoid the Canada luxury tax in the long run. - Source: Internet
- Since the home is not personal-use property, its sale can generate a capital loss. For tax purposes, the estate is deemed to have a cost of the home equal to the home’s value on the day of death. If the home is sold fairly quickly (so that the value has not changed), the costs of the sale, including realtor commission and legal fees, will result in the estate receiving less than cost as proceeds of the sale. The result will be that the commission and legal fees create a capital loss to the estate. The Income Tax Act allows an election for half of this loss (the “allowable capital loss”) to be carried back and deducted in the deceased’s final year, thus reducing the deceased’s tax owing for that year. - Source: Internet
- The initial reporting period is from September 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Registered suppliers will be expected to submit luxury tax returns on a calendar quarterly basis beyond that initial term. The final day of the month after the reporting period is the deadline for submitting a return and remitting the tax. - Source: Internet
- The declaration will have to be filed by April 30 each year. The penalty for not reporting the tax owing will be a minimum of $5,000 per year, but will be 5% of the tax, plus 3% for each month the reporting is late, with no maximum. For example, if an owner is 5 years late in filing all returns by April 30 of the next year, the penalty as of May 1 of Year 6 will be 3×60+5 = 185% of the tax for Year 1, plus 3×48+5 = 149% of the tax for Year 2, plus 113% plus 77% plus 41% for Years 3, 4 and 5, for a total penalty of 565% of the tax (with the tax itself increasing year to year as the property value increases). These exponential increases will make it extremely important for non-resident owners to comply. As well, if the report is not filed by December 31 of the year after the year to which it applies, the various exemptions (including for property that is rented out) will not apply for purposes of determining the penalties. - Source: Internet
- The luxury tax applies to importations into Canada of subject vehicles and subject aircraft that have a taxable amount above $100,000, and subject vessels that have a taxable amount above $250,000 (the price thresholds, respectively). For more information, refer to the Price thresholds, Taxable amount and Amount of luxury tax section of this memorandum. - Source: Internet
- Ambulances, hearses, vehicles equipped for police or emergency response activities, and recreational vehicles designed to provide temporary residential accommodation don’t incur the luxury tax. Any boat designed for leisure, recreation, or sport and manufactured after 2018 has eligibility. Floating homes, commercial fishing vessels, ferries, and cruise ships do not face luxury tax. A subject item does not include an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle registered with the government prior to September 1, 2022, if possession transfers to the user prior to that date. Any airplane, glider, or helicopter with a production date after 2018 that satisfies one of the following criteria incur the tax: - Source: Internet
- One of the issues with the tax is the possibility that for some provinces, such as Quebec and British Columbia, it will lead to a compounding taxation since they already have a type of luxury tax. CADA said this could result in “exorbitant taxation levels” of up to 38 per cent. Their recommendation to the government is to find a way to exempt Quebec and B.C. from the luxury tax on cars. - Source: Internet
- No one knows how the luxury tax will impact consumers and businesses in Canada yet, but one thing is for sure – change is in the air. The government’s recent decision to implement a luxury tax is indicative of its commitment to increasing fairness and equity across all socioeconomic levels, and we can expect more changes like this in the year ahead. Before purchasing luxury items, be sure to check in on the applicable taxes. - Source: Internet
- The GST/HST is applicable to the final value of the subject item (as per the rules set out in the Excise Tax Act ), inclusive of the amount of luxury tax as calculated above. This final value amount is also referred to as the “Value for tax” for the Canada Border Services Agency’s ( CBSA ) accounting purposes. - Source: Internet
- Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers will register with the Canada Revenue Agency under the Luxury Tax regime, and the tax will not apply to sales between any of them (e.g., from a manufacturer to a car dealer). It will apply to sales to unregistered persons. The tax will be imposed on the registered person (unlike the GST/HST, which is imposed on the customer and collected by the seller). - Source: Internet
- The Select Luxury Items Tax Act is a new Canadian law. It imposes a tax on the sale and import of luxury items, such as vehicles, aircraft and vessels, that exceed certain price thresholds. The tax takes effect on September 1, 2022. - Source: Internet
- Article content The tax will also apply to improvements or aftermarket modifications made at the time of sale — and will be added to the final sale price for the purposes of calculating GST and applicable provincial sales taxes. In the costing note, the PBO said that sales volumes used to calculate revenue projections are based on publicly available records. “Actual sales volumes for vehicles in this tax base are not known,” the costing note read, explaining that aircraft and vessel registry data, manufacturer’s suggested retail prices and publicly available sales listings were used as baselines. In a column published last week in the Financial Post, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) vice-president David Chartrand wrote that while the tax seems a logical step on the surface, it serves to harm Canadian business far more than it will help with income redistribution. - Source: Internet
- There are some vehicles which are exempt from the new tax such as some recreational vehicles, some heavy duty trucks, and specialty vehicles like those marked for policing activities. Also, vehicles manufactured before 2018 or vehicles registered with the government prior to Sept. 1, 2022 are excluded. - Source: Internet
- The amounts of any duties and taxes (e.g., customs duty, excise tax, etc.), payable in respect of the importation of the subject item, other than the GST/HST and provincial sales tax, have to be included in the taxable amount for the purposes of determining the amount of luxury tax. - Source: Internet
- The luxury tax calculator is a handy tool for anyone who is considering purchasing a luxury good. It can help to determine whether or not the purchase is affordable and it can also help to plan for the taxes that will be due. Here are various resources: - Source: Internet
- Declaration and accounting of subject items that are casual goods where the luxury tax is, or is not, payable on importation, is made in the same way and within the same prescribed time that customs duties and other taxes are, or are not, payable. Importers should be prepared to present on demand to the officer, any relevant documentation, as would be the case for any other good. Officers will determine if the luxury tax is applicable to the subject item and proceed with the necessary calculations. - Source: Internet
- An importer seeking a rebate for luxury tax paid under sections 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act must submit an application for rebate to the CRA. For more information, refer to “Luxury tax—Services and information” at the link found in the References section of this memorandum. - Source: Internet
- The Canadian Revenue Agency Aug. 4 issued guidance on vehicles subject to luxury taxes. The guidance includes: 1) the vehicles subject to luxury tax, including sedans, coupes, hatchbacks, convertibles, sport-utility vehicles, and light-duty pickup trucks priced above C$100,000 (US$77,565), with exclusions; 2) exemptions for sales between registered vendors, sales of previously registered subject vehicles, sales of subject vehicles equipped for military or policing activities, and vehicle leases; 3) the application of the luxury tax when making improvements to the vehicles, and improvements excluded from tax; 4) the calculation of luxury taxes on improvements, with examples; 5) information on how to … - Source: Internet
- Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the Canada luxury tax. This is because the tax applies to goods and services considered to be non-essential. It is difficult to argue that a luxury good or service is anything other than essential. - Source: Internet
- The purpose of the tax is to raise revenue for the government. Plus, discourage the purchase of luxury items by making them more expensive. It is anticipated for the tax to generate millions of dollars in revenue for the government each year. - Source: Internet
- As per subsection 20(4) of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act , the luxury tax in respect of a subject item is to be paid and collected under the Customs Act . In addition, interest and penalties are to be imposed, calculated, paid and collected under that Act, as if the tax were a customs duty levied on the subject item under the Customs Tariff . - Source: Internet
- Just like how you need to pay sales tax when you purchase an item, you’ll also need to pay sales tax when buying a car. The amount of sales tax you’ll need to pay depends on the province or territory where you live. In all provinces, you will need to pay a GST of 5% on the purchase of a new car. Some provinces also charge a provincial sales tax (PST), while others might have a combined sales tax (HST). - Source: Internet
- On Sept. 1st, 2022, the Canadian federal government introduced a new “luxury tax” which is applicable to certain vehicles priced above $100,000. This new tax is estimated to bring in an additional $163 million in revenue a year. - Source: Internet
- It’s official, on September 1st 2022, Canada will implement a country-wide luxury vehicle tax on models that sell for over $100,000. The new Luxury Goods Tax will affect the price of new vehicles sold for over the price threshold of $100,000, adding a new wrinkle to your buying decision. Learn more about how this new cost will affect your new vehicle shopping experience at Kingston Dodge, and find your new SUV or pickup truck in Kingston today. - Source: Internet
- All-in pricing is the law in Alberta. This means the cost of the luxury tax needs to be included in the all-in advertised price of a vehicle. The only fee that can be added to the advertised price is GST and any costs associated with financing (if applicable). - Source: Internet
- The rules for cars will cover any motor vehicle designed primarily to carry fewer than 10 passengers on highways and streets, but will not include an ambulance, hearse, combine harvester, backhoe tractor, motorcycle, snowmobile, motor home, or a racing car or all-terrain vehicle that is not road legal. The tax will not apply to vehicles over 3,856 kg gross vehicle weight. As well, a vehicle clearly equipped for police, emergency-response or military activities will be exempt if it is being delivered to (or imported by) a police, emergency-response or military authority. The tax will also not apply to vehicles delivered to a police or fire department, hospital, municipality, and certain other entities. - Source: Internet
- On September 1, 2022, a new tax has come into effect in Canada: the luxury tax. In simple terms, the tax is government imposed and applies to items or services deemed to be non-essential. Unfortunately, there’s no way around the tax. But by better understanding how it works and when it applies, you can optimize your tax liability. - Source: Internet
- it is the case that the subject item is a foreign-based conveyance the importation of the subject item was non-taxable by reason of the reference to heading No. 98.01 of the schedule to the Customs Tariff in paragraph (a) but the subject item is diverted solely for maintenance, overhaul or repair in Canada neither title to, nor beneficial use of, the subject item is intended to pass, or passes, to a person in Canada while the subject item is in Canada and the subject item is exported as soon after the maintenance, overhaul or repair is completed as is reasonable having regard to the circumstances surrounding the importation and, where applicable, to the normal business practice of the importer - Source: Internet
- If you are a business owner in Canada who sells luxury goods and services, you must register for the luxury tax. The tax is based on the value of the item or service. The rate varies depending on the type of good or service and your province or territory of residence. To register for the luxury tax, you must complete a form and submit it to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). - Source: Internet
- Luxury items that are subject to the tax include motor vehicles, jewelry, furs, and high-end electronic devices. Sedans, station wagons, sports cars, passenger vans, minivans, SUVs, and pickup trucks are all included in Canadian luxury car tax. The tax also applies to certain services, such as private aircraft charters and yacht rentals. - Source: Internet
- Registrants should note that advertised motor vehicle prices must be all-in. Only HST and licensing can be added to an advertised price as per the MVDA. As with other government levies, dealers may pass the luxury tax onto the consumer. However, if a dealer advertises a vehicle that is more than $100,000 and the luxury tax will be passed onto the consumer, the luxury tax must be included in the advertised price. - Source: Internet
- In Canada, luxury tax applies to certain goods and services deemed as non-essential. The tax is levied at a rate of around 10% on the purchase price of the item. It is typically payable by the consumer. - Source: Internet
- B.C. is the only province in Canada where the car sales tax rate depends on the purchase price of the car. In British Columbia, the car sales tax rate can range from 7% for cars under $55,000 to as high as 20% for cars that are $150,000 or more! - Source: Internet
- The tax will not apply to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, or to a corporation incorporated under Canadian law that is listed on a Canadian stock exchange. It will apply to other Canadian corporations that have 10% or more foreign ownership (or share voting rights). It will also apply to property held through partnerships and trusts. - Source: Internet
- At Lexus of Kingston, we have an expert Finance Centre with extensive knowledge. Our finance staff can help you with financing a vehicle or leasing a vehicle by helping you secure auto loans and curate payment plans. We can also help you determine the fees and taxes you may be subject to upon purchasing a Lexus vehicle from our dealership. Rely on us to make tax calculations for you, including the new Luxury Tax, present you with different options, and help you find the most affordable vehicle purchase. - Source: Internet
- An importer must apply to the CRA in order to obtain a special import certificate or a tax certificate. For more information, refer to “Luxury tax—Services and information” at the link found in the References section of this memorandum. - Source: Internet
- The tax will apply at 1% per year of the value of the property. “Value” will be the higher of the assessed value for municipal property tax purposes, and the most recent sale price. Or the owner can elect to provide an appraisal to demonstrate fair market value. - Source: Internet
- Subject vehicles and subject aircraft when imported temporarily under tariff Item No. 9993.00.00 of the schedule to the Customs Tariff may be relieved of the luxury tax under certain circumstances when they qualify as a special case in the section “Special cases” above. - Source: Internet
- All applicable duties and taxes related to customs (e.g. under the Customs Tariff, the Excise Tax Act or the Special Import Measures Act, etc.), inclusive of the GST/HST and of the provincial sales tax (if applicable), are payable in respect of the importation of a subject item, in addition to the payable luxury tax. - Source: Internet
- The rate of the luxury tax varies from province to province, but it is generally around 10%. There are a few exceptions, such as food and clothing, which are usually exempt. The tax applies differently depending on the type of good or service. For example, the tax might be levied as a percentage of the purchase price or as a fixed amount per item. - Source: Internet

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